I recently had an interview at Sunderland university for an animation course and after wowing the interviewer with my animations i brought via memory stick ( because im too cheap to get a laptop) he offered me a place on the course but only one condition, draw loads upon loads of sketches, because apparently my drawings are my weakest area, which i totally understand.
So now im doing tons of sketchwork not just for him but for me because too be honest my drawings suck and i think i could get more skills at animating if i just sketch loads of work, so that's what im doing. I am also going to start drawing my own character designs because to be honest im getting tired of drawing anime, and too many people draw it which loses originality, because really i want my characters to be sort of a immitation anime if that makes any sense because i still loves anime
im doing this to show myslef how determined i am to be on this course
Believe it!
awesome. sketching definitely helps improve your cartoons.
i can feel a difference already